Backyard Pineapple was established in 2020, during the height of the pandemic. We scrambled for a way to make our daughter’s 13th birthday unique and found an outdoor movie night to be the extra we all needed. We didn’t start with any seating but once I knew our friends were loving the Friday movie nights as much as we did? Our business idea was born. we would bring cute movie nights to Houston.

We started this business nearly 3 years ago and have done hundreds of backyard parties. Our movie nights have grown into full scale luxury productions.

Pineapples are a symbol for hospitality, so we thought the fit was perfect! We can keep it simple with a commercial grade screen and seating. Or we can take it extra! We offer balloons, custom backdrops, and full service popcorn. We hope to make a small difference in your lives, and believe that customer service is key.

We pride ourselves as a family business and hope to bring you the BACKYARD EXPERIENCE.

When we aren't delivering backyard joy to families all over Houston. You can find us with our five children. Exploring parks, the arts and our favorite place - the beach! 

From our family to yours, let’s celebrate!

Juan+ Sylvia Piña